WP Content Copy Protection (pro)
Very modern watermarking styles.
1. Protect your content from selection and copy
2. No one can right click on images from your site if you want
3. Get full control on RightClick or context menu
4. Show alert messages, when user made right click on images, text boxes, links, plain text.. etc
5. Disable the keys CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+X,CTRL+S or CTRL+V or CTRL+U
6. Advaced and easy to use control panel.
7. Admin can exclude Home page or Single posts from being copy protected
8. Admin can disable copy protection for admin users. (if admin here don’t protect)
9. Aggressive image protection (its not easy or its impossible for expert users to steal your images !!)
10. Compatible with all major theme frameworks
11. Compatible with all major browsers
12. You can also choose where this Plugin should work like All Pages (including Home Page and all other Pages & Posts) or Home Page or Custom Pages/Posts using the Settings Page options.
13. Multiple Text and Image Protection layers
14. Protect your Text and Images by Disabling the Mouse Right Click and Possible Shortcut Keys for Cut (CTRL+x), Copy (CTRL+c), Paste (CTRL+v), Select All(CTRL+a), View Source (CTRL+u) etc.
15. Enable Right Click on Hyperlink or any type of elements added
16. New flat interface